2005 Weblog Awards
Thursday, January 6, 2005, 22:59 - Miscellaneous
From now until 10:00 PM EST (GMT-5) on Monday, January 10, 2005, anyone can nominate their favorite weblogs for the 2005 Bloggies.The Bloggies are a set of 30 publicly-chosen awards given to weblog writers and those related to weblogs.
Everyone's invited to take part in the awarding process, so find out how you can nominate and vote for your favorite blogs!
Hollywood Stock Exchange
Thursday, January 6, 2005, 04:12 - Games
At HSX one can trade in virtual stocks in actual movies and filmstars. When you sign up (it's free!) you get 2 million Hollywood dollars (H$) which you can invest in stocks. The goal of course is to turn that into a large portfolio.Just like a real stock exchange, they have tickers with the symbols and news and graphs and top-X lists. The site contains a little bit of info about each movie and star that you can invest in, but you might want to get more info yourself from e.g. the Internet Movie Database.
BTW they have a referral program so if you are interested to join HSX for free, please be so kind and contact me so I can send you an invite by email. Thus I can earn some more H$, thanks :)
Why Being a Prostitute is Better than Being a Computer Consultant
Wednesday, January 5, 2005, 05:03 - Humor
* You get to choose your clients* Hotel, etc. expenses are directly billed
* You actually receive that high hourly rate clients are paying for you.
* No dress code
* Close client interaction at all times
* You are working nights anyway
* Finally a way to fit exercise into a tight schedule
* Continual feedback - every two hours or so
* Not tied down working with a team (unless you want to be)
* Either way you are still getting screwed
From Jests and Jokes.
150,000 dead and counting...
Tuesday, January 4, 2005, 05:29 - The News
Wikipedia has an excellent page about the 2004 Tsunami caused by a magnitude 9.0 undersea earthquake.It explains the cause and effects in great detail.
These QuickBird satellite images at DigitalGlobe just don't do justice to the devastating effect of the tsunami. Footage shot on the ground and shown on TV, together with interviews with victims have much more impact.
There are many websites related to donations and relief initiatives for the millions of victims of this natural disaster.
New SPHPBlog version
Sunday, January 2, 2005, 21:42 - Personal
Alex has released a new version of SPHPBlog: 0.3.7rMost noticeable change is entry categories. I will be categorizing my posts in the coming day(s).
Yesterday I also moved my blog from my home web server (ADSL) to my external web server, so performance should be a little better for most of you.
I also updated the looks of my blog. The picture in the banner is a stitched together panorama photo that I took a couple of weeks ago from my balcony.
It hasn't the detail of the 2.5 gigapixel zoomable picture of TNO, but it still is a nice picture.
Happy 2005!
Saturday, January 1, 2005, 22:31 - Personal
Happy new year to everyone!I wish you all health, money and the time to enjoy it!

Quake shook Earth to core, say scientists
Friday, December 31, 2004, 17:03 - Science
The quake that set off the devastating tsunami last Sunday had bigger impact than anticipated, according to The Independent. The Earth is now spinning a little faster than before.A NASA scientist believes that a shift of mass towards the Earth's centre caused the planet to spin three microseconds - three millionths of a second - faster. It also caused the planet to tilt around 2.5cm on its axis. The added wobble is unlikely to have any long-term effects.
The forcing of one tectonic plate beneath the edge of another had the effect of making the Earth more compact and spinning faster, but the changes were probably too slight to be detected by global positioning satellite networks.
Geologists of the US Geological Survey said changes on the Earth's surface were more noticeable, shifting the island of Sumatra 36 meters to the south-west. Some of the smaller islands off the south-west coast of Sumatra may have moved to the south-west by about 20 meters.
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