Solutions for TOP 5 personal traffic irritations
Thursday, January 13, 2005, 20:31 - Top X lists
1. regularly overtake on the right-hand side
2. will drive closely behind them or raise my headlights a little (I can adjust them while driving)
3. same as 2
4. give a good honk after about 1 second of green
5. overtake them as soon as possible

Although the above may suggest differently I'm hardly ever a danger on the road. I don't cause to much trouble for other drivers. Sometimes I really can be a gentleman and I nearly always give way to others where I'm supposed to. I just drive a little faster than allowed most of the time.

The only car damage I had in the last 7.5 years was someone who rear-ended me when I stopped for a orange traffic light....

TOP 5 personal traffic irritations
Wednesday, January 12, 2005, 20:09 - Top X lists
Cars that
1. drive in the leftmost lane unnecessarily (in the Netherlands you're supposed to keep as much to the right as possible)
2. drive in the leftmost lane slowly
3. drive slower than the speed limit
4. react too slowly to a traffic light turning green
5. accelerate too slowly at traffic lights
